Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Motivational Wednesday: Before and After

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It is amazing that people can sometimes pickup that you've lost weight (visually), when all you can see is what clothes are no longer fitting, and occasionally looking in the mirror.  We don't actually see ourselves everyday. 

Which got me thinking... What better motivation to keep losing weight, to realize that you have actually made progress, and keep working on losing what you have to until you reach your final goal!

So, today, our motivation is before and after pictures, and for me that me a progressive before and after, so I can see the difference.

We're going to start in 2013, because, lets be honest, I rarely let myself be photographed. 

February 16, 2013
In 2013, I had given up on Weight Watcher, seeing little progress.  So here is a head shot.  I was about 270 at the time. 

January 9th, 2014
 In the end of 2013, I weighed myself at the doctor and got the shock of my life when I weighed in at 301 (in my clothes, no shoes).  My mother and father (and my boyfriend) all weighed less than me, and that freaked me out.  I started back with Weight Watchers.  Here I am at about 270.

July 10, 2014
In March of 2014, I stopped with Weight Watchers due to a family crisis.  I started to gain a lot of weight back.  I got back up to 270.  Pardon the skirt, because you can't really tell what I look like on the bottom. 
So on August 2nd, I started back on weight watchers.  I still wasn't seeing a change in weight.  I decided to talk to my doctor.  We put me on a 1,800 calorie eating plan, put me on Belviq, and started working on more exercise activities. 

And this is what I look like currently at 255.2 

So look at the difference....

Before                                            &                                                After


Before                                            &                                                After

So here is to losing it...
Slowly, but surely! Cana Elene

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